I recently discovered this brand and i honestly Fell head over heels in love with it
you know you can see the likes of Nicole Richie, Kate Moss and Sienna Miller in these!
it has a certain Charm i cant seem to detect at first..
but im sure you guys see it as well..
Women’s clothing brand Rabens Saloner was established in 2007 by designer Birgitte Raben Olrik.
She entered the fashion world as an entrepeneur with a great deal
of experience from her many years as a competent purchaser for Apair and Flying
A - two of Copenhagen’s most successful fashion shops.
”There is so much inspiration to gather from local artisans if you show them
that you appreciate their skills and admire their traditions.
It’s a kind of mutual fertilization, if you keep an open mind,
amazing things can emerge from it,” Birgitte says.